Articles Uncategorized VOH Article

Be a Doer

What comes to mind when you think about being a doer? In our day-to-day lives there are many tasks that we do. Most of us get up for work, cook food, spend time with family, drive places, attend class, run errands, make phone calls, put gas in the car, take out the trash, pay bills, […]

Articles VOH Article

God of Justice

There is a demand for justice of innocent lives taken at the hands of people filled with hatred. However, if you stand opposed, or even without an opinion, you can be labeled as racist or bigot. But what does the Bible say about justice? What does God say about the matter, and how does He […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

New Wine

the Kingdom of God isn’t to be observed as a physical place, but that the Kingdom is within us (Luke 17:21).  Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” If Jesus is the vine, He expects us to produce grapes: the fruit of His spirit. The fruit is His nature […]


Greetings to the Saints

HEAVENLY FATHER, we come to You during this season, Your latter feast season to humbly submit ourselves to YOU, YOUR SON, and YOUR HOLY SPIRIT as YOU move mightily throughout YOUR creation, releasing and creating greater situations in our lives for us to overcome, which will bring us to a new understanding of YOU in […]

Articles VOH Article

Haga Su Llamada y Elección Seguro

En las escrituras a menudo vemos que la Palabra se enseña en variadas enseñanzas paralelas; paralelas a la agricultura, pozos, vasijas y diferentes tierras. Estos son altamente simbólicos y tienen una riqueza en su belleza. Cuando el creador del cielo y de la tierra derramó Su corazón soberano y habló a la tierra para que […]

Articles VOH Article

Promesa de la Resurrección

Hace unos meses, la enfermedad atacó a mi familia. Nuestros cinco hijos se enfermaron y fueron lo peor que habían estado. Durante dos días sufrieron fiebres, escalofríos y congestión respiratoria que los dejaron luchando para respirar. Luego, el tercer día comenzó un patrón para cada uno de ellos. Las fiebres cesaron, los insoportables dolores de […]