Artículos VOH Artículos

Acicalando el Alma

Recientemente, estaba sentada en un restaurante y sonó una canción por los altavoces. Era una versión fácil de escuchar de una canción pegadiza que muchos de nosotros reconoceríamos. Se reprodujo la línea “si te hace feliz, no puede ser tan malo“ y me encontré comenzando a cantar automáticamente. Cantar en voz alta hizo que me […]

Articles VOH Article

Greetings to the Saints

HEAVENLY FATHER, we thank you for all the wisdom, patience and guidance you have bestowed upon Your creation. We praise Your HOLY name, which is the highest, greatest and most powerful in your creation. We thank you as we continue to focus on you, to seek your voice – open our ears and open our […]

Articles VOH Article

Orphan Mindset

Fathers play such an important role in the lives of their children. Characteristics of a good dad such as dependability, protectiveness, disciplinarian, loving, and providing for their children, are essential for setting the standard in a child’s upbringing. The absence of the father however, can have detrimental effects on the child and is a huge […]