Artículos VOH Artículos

El Arrepentimiento causa Nacimiento del Avivamiento

El gran revivalista Charles Finney dijo una vez: “El avivamiento es una convicción renovada del pecado y el arrepentimiento, seguido de un intenso deseo de vivir en obediencia a Dios. Es entregar la voluntad de uno a Dios con profunda humildad”. Finney dijo que experimentó un avivamiento y vio a más personas recibir la salvación […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

The Priesthood Today

The church of today quotes 1 Peter, saying, “I’m part of the ‘royal priesthood’” and yet does not understand their functions as a priest, nor do they recognize the hierarchy and order of the priesthood. We hear often “we’re all the same,” which is contradictory to Scripture. In Matthew 17, Yahushua only took three out […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

Mighty Men Influenced by the Early Church Fathers

There have been many great men of God who have been used mightily by the Lord, especially when it came to birthing a new move or a revival.  There is this understanding that they all had.  They all knew the importance of the Early Church Fathers.  They all were trying to go back to the […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

Free Will and Predestination

The subject matter concerning the doctrine of free will and predestination is of distinguishable controversy in the church and has long been debated. There are various schools of thought and misconceptions concerning the origins of this doctrine. Its validity, at best, is questionable. By examining the history of Christianity, one would find that the teachings […]

Articles VOH Article

Repentance Births Revival

The great Revivalist Charles Finney once said, “Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one’s will to God in deep humility.” Finney said he experienced revival and saw more people receive salvation than he could count based upon […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

Elijah’s Coming

Elijah is one of the key components to the end times and yet, today in the church the spirit of Elijah is seldomly preached. If the matter concerning Elijah is brought up, it is commonly with minimal understanding of what role Elijah primarily plays for the church. Why is this topic so important? Because Elijah […]

Articles VOH Article

Should Christians Celebrate Hanukkah?

We don’t think about Hanukkah, but I’m going to show you some things, and I think it’s going to blow you away.  I’m going to take some of our old preconceived ideas that are false, and we are going to cut them off. We are going to have a circumcision.  Amen? We are going to […]