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The Calling and Work of Ministry

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Before time, God called us to be His container, His vessel to have Yeshua’s mind, to be filled with His oil/wine/revelation. 

HE formed us to worship Him, to be His extended hand that releases and throws the rain of revelation, His word. HE is the potter, and we are His clay. 

In the belly, HE spoke His voice, sounded loud and echoed into an empty container space inside. 

I heard His voice of many waters; we hear His voice of many waters from the Holy of Holies. He birthed us to wholeness and gave us His DNA to be an heir and son that we may be His temple. 

He knew; He said He knew that we would be His extended hand to go out and do His work that we would enter through the veil, His divine light. Light coming from Torah. The fountain of revelation coming into the kingdom. 

He knew thee and before the foundations of the earth, the beginning of Genesis, He made us, an instrument of worship, teachings of secrets, the rhema seed. To plant into the minds and hearts of His people. To break forth and to carry out the revelation of the Word of Yahweh. 

From out of the womb, the washing of the Word that purifies our souls came…

From out of the womb, the washing of the Word that purifies our souls came, the blood that is continuous from generation to generation that comes from Elohim, the Creator that we may have His likeness, His character and function. 

HE sanctified us, as HE set us apart for a special purpose, that we may be a purified holy place, a sanctuary, a tabernacle of glory. He chose and appointed us for a special call. We are given a gift, a spiritual gift for the work of the ministry. We are called to be a priest, the high priest, a prophet, when one is able to enter into the Holy of Holies to  bring back the message of God to His people. The apostles and prophets help open the Word to see the truth. 

He called us unto the nations: to wake up those who are asleep, to wake up the gentiles, and to wake up the people of the nations.



When I was nine years old, Yah ministered to me.  I was feeling very sad as I grew up; my parents didn’t raise me. Being a young girl wanting the love of a father that of which I didn’t have. I had a wallet that was given to me from my godmother as a first communion gift. In front of the wallet was a picture of Yeshua. Every time I looked at his picture, I would fall in love with him. He is my father.

One night while I was looking out of my bedroom window, I remember the yearning for my natural father who was missing in my life. I needed his love, but he wasn’t there for me. As I was looking at the sky, I began to speak to Yeshua telling him “how much I loved Him” and asking Him to make himself real to me. That night, He did and overwhelmed me with His love. This was my first experience with the Lord. As I got older, I went through difficult times in my 20s, and 30s, and I was attending church off and on. One day I decided to surrender my life and give it to Jesus.

One day in prayer, the Lord told me that I would go to India and Africa. I was a young believer at the time, and I told God that if that was Him speaking that I would wait for the right time. As the years went by, the Lord opened doors into India. I loved it! A couple of years later, the doors opened for me to go to Malawi, Africa.

The first time I went, I visited a Christian school and an orphanage. There I met a lovely young man. Months before that I was praying to God for guidance about who I should support and guide. His name was Derek Mzima, my spiritual son. I continued to go with another ministry; however, each time I went, I no longer felt the same as before.

I began attending Forerunner International for two years on and off. Evangelist Michael supported me financially knowing that I was still part of another church. Evangelist Michael is so loving and understanding. As I was learning the teachings of the early church fathers from Forerunner International,I felt God pulling me out of my church at the time and pulling me into the deeper things of His Word with Forerunner International. I discussed with Evangelist Michael my desire to know deeper things and told him about the spiritual sons and daughters in Africa that I have and don’t want to leave. He told me “Eileen, God has given us all ministries.  Share the early church to your friends.” I was relieved.

The next year, the Lord told me to bring my spiritual son, Derek Mzima to the US to learn from Evangelist Michael. He was here for three months and was able to learn the deeper things and take it back to Africa where he started a church. And together, we started Shamayim Global. 

I realized that God has a plan for all of us, as He is our Heavenly Father. Our natural parents might not be there all the time; however, God promises us to guide us and lead us, no matter where we go. He said He knew us from our mother’s womb and my Heavenly Father has led me into Africa to impact the lives of those in Malawi and to show His divine character and image to the people. I lived my life feeling like an orphan, like no one wanted me; however, God, My Heavenly Father, showed me what a true Father is by operating in my life. I pray the Heavenly Father my encounter you more and more and bring you into a deeper relationship with Him that the people of the earth may see His appearing in you.

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