Artículos VOH Artículos

La Voz Profética

¿Qué es la profecía? Muchos creen que es una predicción de nuestro futuro, pero la Iglesia Primitiva no veía la profecía de esta manera. Para la Iglesia Primitiva, la profecía está revelando una comprensión más profunda de la Palabra de Dios, incluida la predicción de los eventos bíblicos por venir. Los profetas a menudo advertían […]

Articles VOH Article

Prophetic Voice

What is prophecy? Many believe it is foretelling of our future, but the Early Church did not view prophecy in this way. To the Early Church, prophecy is revealing the deeper understanding of the Word of God, including foretelling of Biblical events to come. The prophets often warned sinners of their conduct and exhorted them […]

Articles VOH Article

Maná del Cielo

El maná que llovió del cielo en el desierto (Éxodo 16) es un símbolo de las enseñanzas más profundas de la Palabra de Dios que tienen la capacidad de nutrir nuestra alma. Debido a que los israelitas no entendían lo que estaban recibiendo cuando se derramó el pan, no pudieron entrar en lo que Dios […]

Prophecies Prophecies 2021

The Apostolic Race, Exodus from Religion, and The Final Jubilee: Apostle Michael Petro

    During a recent night of intense prayer and intercession, the Lord spoke to Apostle Michael very clearly about things that are now coming to pass within the earth. It was an extremely powerful word that was released. We can fully expect that now that the Word has been released, there will begin to be […]

Articles VOH Article

Manna from Heaven

The manna rained from Heaven in the wilderness (Exodus 16) is symbolic of the deeper teachings in the Word of God that have the ability to nourish our soul. Because the Israelites did not understand what they were receiving when the bread was poured out, they were not able to step into what God had […]

Artículos VOH Artículos

Elías Vendrá Primero

Elías que vino a preparar a los santos y restaurar todas las cosas, antes de la segunda venida de Cristo (Mateo 4:11, Malaquías 4: 5), no es un concepto que se enseñe ampliamente en la iglesia hoy. Tal vez este sea un concepto completamente extraño para ti, o tal vez ya hayas escuchado sobre la […]

Articles ECF Article The Early Church

Elijah Will Come First

Elijah coming to prepare the saints and restore all things, prior to the second coming of Christ (ref. Matthew 4:11, Malachi 4:5), is not a concept widely talked about in the church today. Maybe this is an entirely foreign concept to you, or maybe you have already heard about Elijah coming. But do you really […]